Conservation Partners (ABN 82 466 887 179) is a registered company limited by guarantee (ACN 674 028 105). We transitioned from Artemis Nature Fund (Incorporated Association) to Conservation Partners with assistance by law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler.

Conservation Partners will be a Registered Environmental Organisation, a Registered Charity with ACNC and have applied for Deductible Gift Recipient status. We are still in the process of completing these processes.

In the meantime, supporters can donate via the Landcare Australia donation page. Select “Landcare Community Group” from the first drop-down list and type “Artemis” into Landcare Group Name. The rest is self-explanatory but if you have trouble you can watch the short video below or contact us.


THANK-YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. It makes a measurable difference to Australian wildlife.

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