Conservation Partners (ACN 674 028 105) is a Registered Charity, registered with the Australian Charities and Non-for Profits Commission (ACNC). We have been awarded Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status which entitles donors to make a tax deductible donation.
Your investment will be used for practical actions, like bird seed for supplementary feeding of endangered Golden-shouldered Parrots, cat traps to reduce predation
pressure on endangered Carpentarian Grasswrens, or acoustic survey equipment to help us locate and protect Night Parrots and Buff-breasted Button-quail.
Thank-you for your support. It makes a measurable difference to Australian wildlife.
Golden-shouldered Parrot. Credit to Patrick Webster.
This will buy 1 month’s worth of bird seed for our supplementary feeding program.
This will pay for 1 hour for a grader to maintain firebreaks and fence lines.
Your continuing support allows us to commit to impactful long term projects.